
Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Tutorial: Appliqué Kids PJ Top

As promised, here is a quick follow on from yesterdays Kids PJ Pants tutorial. I am not an appliqué expert, but this is quick and easy and has worked a treat for me with the girls:

 Find my Appliqué Kids PJ Top Tutorial after the jump.

Monday, March 29, 2010

Tutorial: Kids PJ Pants

I made a stack of PJ pants yesterday, as they are so quick and easy to make, so I also wrote up a quick tutorial as I went. Hopefully this is easy enough to follow:

Find my Kids PJ Pants Tutorial after the jump.

Sunday, March 28, 2010

sunday making

After reading this post on Melissa's blog on Friday I couldn't get that sticky lemon slice out of my head! It is such a favourite of mine, so yesterday we baked some for dessert. I also used this recipe by Julie Biuso which was super simple to follow, and the result was divine!

We had another birthday party yesterday, but this one was for a friend of Isabella's that was turning 6, but also returning to the UK to live. Her family have sold their house and popped all the goodies on a ship, so asked for no gifts, or just something small for the plane...  I made up a little passport cover for her, and a super girly pencil case which we filled with some sweet double ended Smiggle pencils. Nice and simple!

Now I better get on with finishing off the other gifts I need to make. First in the pile, another baby girl.

Enjoy your Sunday!

Friday, March 26, 2010

gift making

We have lots of birthdays, new babies, and even a farewell added into the mix this week. I have been busy making gifts, but can only show you a snippet for now... you'll have to wait a day or two before I can show you more (it needs to stay a surprise!).

Tonight we are off for a pot luck dinner. Lots of kids, good friends and wine. Perfect combination, can't wait!

Enjoy your Friday.

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Autumn dress

OK - so I finally managed to find a spare hour to finish off this dress. I am loving it, (even if there are quite a few imperfections - don't zoom in)! Having taught myself to sew I am not one to read patterns, but I vowed I would follow this one so feel quite proud of myself. I have to admit, I sewed together, then completely unpicked the yoke before sewing it again, as I got into a bit of a mess with it. But all in all it has come out ok. (I even had to do buttonholes!)

PATTERN: New Look 6903
SIZE: Large
VIEW: A (dress)
FABRIC: Beige baby corduroy for dress and yoke/trim, buttons from vintage stash.
*Note: I modified the pattern somewhat, left off the pocket and used a handmade bias for the trim rather than ruffle as per the pattern.

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Pj's and things...

It's been another busy week/weekend, school fair, birthday parties, play dates, general kid stuff! But I managed to get a bit of sewing in today which was lovely.

I found this cute blue (Isabella's favourite colour) hello kitty flannel a little while ago and Bella has been on at me to make her some winter pj's, so today I finally ticked that off the list. They are so quick and simple I always kick myself for not making a stack all at once. But think I will put a little tutorial together when I make the next ones.

I am not normally an applique sort of person, but Bella likes to have tops and bottoms, so I managed to find some comfy cotton pointelle long sleeved white tops at the warehouse which I applied a simple butterfly applique to - she was wrapped.

I also managed to get a few custom orders out the door - this bunting was one - destined for the sister of a little girl who already has some of my bunting. This wee girl has a red, pale blue and pink room - hope she enjoys her new bunting!

And lastly..., I made a start on a wee dress for Lucy. Plenty of room for her to wear through autumn, then over tights and long sleeved merino through winter.  It is still a work in progress as I ran out of time today. But I used some a beige baby corduroy for the body, and the yoke (and bottom trim once I finish!) is from a gorgeous scrap of vintage cotton I had in my stash. I just love the vibrant orange/yellow and green against the chocolate brown!

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

A 'me day'

I managed to enjoy a mental health day today! I think the single best thing about being self-employed is that you can pull a sickie and not have to worry that anyone will catch you :-)

I normally have a solid work day on a Tuesday (Mum looks after Lucy whilst Bella is at school), but today was all about me. I spent the morning indulging my fabric passion by rummaging through vintage linen and buttons at Salvage, and stocking up on remnants at some city side fabric stores. I stocked up on art supplies at Gordon Harris and also popped in to Trelise Coopers Fabric and  Pretty Things store, but was very restrained. I had coffee (in a real cup, not take out!) and even sat and read the paper. Luxury. 

And now I have just come in from the movies. We went to see Mao's Last Dancer... I have to say, the acting left a lot to be desired, and it was a little disappointing after reading the book, but the dancing was beautiful - and I always love going to the movies!

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Ginger and lemon

This breezy cold snap has left it's mark on us this week. Head colds all around in our house - so I have just made myself a brew of this delicous tea (first seen blogged about here). I normally make a 'hot lemon' drink with brandy, but the ginger is a lovely substitute. It freshlingly zingy which peps you up rather than making you sleepy!

I am indulging in a lazy Sunday today, slowly sorting out my scrap drawers and studio (to make room for new fabrics accidentally purchased this morning !). And reading The Italian Wedding - which incorporates two of my favourite things, sewing and cooking. What's not to like?

I hope you are enjoying your Sunday too. xx

Friday, March 12, 2010

wrap me up

I found this lovely, inspirational book at the library recently... It is full of gorgeous, funky wrapping paper designs from the 1960's! I so didn't want to return it - so ended up taking some photos of my favourite pages (too many to attach all, sorry!).

Tuesday, March 09, 2010


Isn't it amazing how we hit the first of March and the mornings start getting cold - Autumn kicks in... just like that!

The leaves are slowly turning and my garden is no longer covered in bright yellow dandelions 2 days after mowing. Our line is still strung with beach towels and togs each day, but I'm not sure how long this will last. Yesterday evening I was actually cold coming out of the sea as there was no strength left in the 6pm sun. You can also tell it is the end of the summer as we seem to have endless little shell collections. Everywhere...

I have just finished making up a bunch of new magnets, and I am working on some new wee coasters - work in progress, so watch this space.

Monday, March 08, 2010

lonely old chair

I have a bit of a thing about chairs... not sure why as I don't spend a lot of time sitting down! Always on the go doing this, that and the other... you know how it goes.

Anyway, I saw this lovely chair in the Hospice warehouse the other day looking very sad and lonely.  I just knew it had to come home with us... Bella "Mum, where is that chair going to go"!!


When I removed the grubby old vinyl cover all that was left of the original cushion was powder! I still have to give it a bit of a sand and polish, but I got a new bit of rubber, cut it to size and this morning I recovered it with one of my favorite pieces of nani IRO fabric from the antique label.

This old chair now has pride of place in the corner of my studio (but is already laden down with a pile of paper work that has no where else to be at the moment!!). I just have to figure out how to keep sticky, chocolatey fingers off my beautiful new cover :-)

Tuesday, March 02, 2010

cake schmake...

Just polishing off the last of the cake...  we have had more cake than I care to admit to over the past couple of days with multiple birthday celebrations!

My mum gave me a piece of deliciously light lemon cake to take home this morning - it was from the birthday lunch she had with her friends on Monday..., after the dinner we had for her on Saturday night, and the BBQ on Sunday afternoon (that involved decadent chocolate cake), but before the dinner we had for Bella on Monday night, which involved a rich Voodoo fudge cake from Rocket, because I rushed out the door with the kids and forgot the cake, but luckily Rocket was just next to the restaurant and still open!! (so we still have more cake to get through - arghhhhh!)

On an un-cake related matter, I managed to cross another thing off my list today and finally got a pile of fabric covered journals made up - new style for me, so I will see how they are received at the market on Sunday...