
Monday, March 08, 2010

lonely old chair

I have a bit of a thing about chairs... not sure why as I don't spend a lot of time sitting down! Always on the go doing this, that and the other... you know how it goes.

Anyway, I saw this lovely chair in the Hospice warehouse the other day looking very sad and lonely.  I just knew it had to come home with us... Bella "Mum, where is that chair going to go"!!


When I removed the grubby old vinyl cover all that was left of the original cushion was powder! I still have to give it a bit of a sand and polish, but I got a new bit of rubber, cut it to size and this morning I recovered it with one of my favorite pieces of nani IRO fabric from the antique label.

This old chair now has pride of place in the corner of my studio (but is already laden down with a pile of paper work that has no where else to be at the moment!!). I just have to figure out how to keep sticky, chocolatey fingers off my beautiful new cover :-)

1 comment:

  1. Its that lovely fabric! Really suits the chair, looks great!
