
Tuesday, March 02, 2010

cake schmake...

Just polishing off the last of the cake...  we have had more cake than I care to admit to over the past couple of days with multiple birthday celebrations!

My mum gave me a piece of deliciously light lemon cake to take home this morning - it was from the birthday lunch she had with her friends on Monday..., after the dinner we had for her on Saturday night, and the BBQ on Sunday afternoon (that involved decadent chocolate cake), but before the dinner we had for Bella on Monday night, which involved a rich Voodoo fudge cake from Rocket, because I rushed out the door with the kids and forgot the cake, but luckily Rocket was just next to the restaurant and still open!! (so we still have more cake to get through - arghhhhh!)

On an un-cake related matter, I managed to cross another thing off my list today and finally got a pile of fabric covered journals made up - new style for me, so I will see how they are received at the market on Sunday...


  1. Hee hee, my friend makes little kids' clothes out of that Vespa fabric,
    It's so adorable.
