
Sunday, February 28, 2010


I have managed to have quite an industrious day so far. This morning I packed the kids off to the zoo with their Dad, then got all the housework done, went to the markets, had a 'birthday coffee' with my Mum, washed, dried, folded, put away a zillion loads of washing, and even managed a spot of sewing!

Here is a preview of some of my new passport covers. I will endeavor to get these in the shop too. Luggage tags and journal covers are next on my list. Next Sunday, 7th March is the Devonport Craft Market - my first market for 2010. I am not sure if I am ready yet! It has been nice going at snails pace over the summer, but will be great to catch up with some lovely crafty peeps again. If you are in the area, pop in and say hi: Devonport Community House, 32 Clarence Street from 10am - 3pm, Sunday 7th March.


  1. Love the passport covers. You are ready don't you worry!
    Happy Birthday to your Mum!

  2. Sounds like you had a fabulous day. I am hoping to make the market next Sunday, so if I do, I will say hi.
