
Sunday, March 28, 2010

sunday making

After reading this post on Melissa's blog on Friday I couldn't get that sticky lemon slice out of my head! It is such a favourite of mine, so yesterday we baked some for dessert. I also used this recipe by Julie Biuso which was super simple to follow, and the result was divine!

We had another birthday party yesterday, but this one was for a friend of Isabella's that was turning 6, but also returning to the UK to live. Her family have sold their house and popped all the goodies on a ship, so asked for no gifts, or just something small for the plane...  I made up a little passport cover for her, and a super girly pencil case which we filled with some sweet double ended Smiggle pencils. Nice and simple!

Now I better get on with finishing off the other gifts I need to make. First in the pile, another baby girl.

Enjoy your Sunday!


  1. lovely gifts and perfect for a little traveller! that lemon slice looks delicious :)

  2. I'm with Megan - that looks delicious! love the fabrics too..
