
Tuesday, March 16, 2010

A 'me day'

I managed to enjoy a mental health day today! I think the single best thing about being self-employed is that you can pull a sickie and not have to worry that anyone will catch you :-)

I normally have a solid work day on a Tuesday (Mum looks after Lucy whilst Bella is at school), but today was all about me. I spent the morning indulging my fabric passion by rummaging through vintage linen and buttons at Salvage, and stocking up on remnants at some city side fabric stores. I stocked up on art supplies at Gordon Harris and also popped in to Trelise Coopers Fabric and  Pretty Things store, but was very restrained. I had coffee (in a real cup, not take out!) and even sat and read the paper. Luxury. 

And now I have just come in from the movies. We went to see Mao's Last Dancer... I have to say, the acting left a lot to be desired, and it was a little disappointing after reading the book, but the dancing was beautiful - and I always love going to the movies!


  1. Oh wow how fantastic to have a day to yourself. I have never been to Salvage is it expensive?

  2. Sounds like a perfect day ~ love your Salvage finds. xx

  3. that sounds like the best day ever! :)
