
Friday, November 26, 2010


Oops, Firstly I guess I need to say sorry for the lack of posts! We have all been sick with coughs and colds and lots and lots of green snot. Yuk! Why is it that you manage to survive winter only to get sick when the summer weather starts?

Just a quickie tonight. I am only doing one market this weekend, which feels lovely after all the markets I have done recently. If you are out and about and looking for some Christmas inspiration, come along to Kraftbomb on Sunday. I have been busy sewing up stacks of new crayon rolls and oilcloth purses so head down and say hi.

Sunday 28th November
Grey Lynn Community Centre
Main Hall - 510 Richmond Road, Grey Lynn

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

more markets

I have another couple of markets this week. So have been trying to finish off a few last minute bits and bobs. I currently have 100 button bookmarks drying on the kitchen table, 50 lavender bags to fill and sew up, 40 oilcloth purses to trim, turn out and iron, 20 keyrings which need hardware, yards upon yards of bakers twine to package, a few matryoshka dolls to finish stuffing and stitch up... maybe I should stop typing and just get on with it!

Anyway, if you want to find me, this is where I'll be:

Gladstone Christmas Market
Thursday 18th November
Gladstone School Hall
8 Seaview Terrace, Mt Albert

Sunday 21st November
Devonport Community House
32 Clarence St, Devonport
Hope your week is going well!

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

pizza dough

Lacking in motivation for dinner, the girls and I decided to make pizza's tonight. The pizza dough recipe we use is really quick and easy, rises within 30 minutes so definitely something you can whip up last minute. I made some flat bread to have with a salad for myself as I just wasn't in the mood for pizza - the dough is equally as lovely just flattened out and brushed with a little olive oil and a sprinkle of sea salt and some herbs.

Pizza Dough

1 1/2 cups luke warm water (I actually use cold as I am scared of killing the yeast with too warm water)
7g (1 sachet) dried yeast
Pinch of caster sugar
4 cups plain/strong flour
1 tsp salt
1/4 cup olive oil + extra for brushing

Combine the yeast, water and sugar in a small bowl. Pop aside for 5 minutes or until foamy. Combine  flour and salt in a large bowl, making a well in the centre. Add the oil and yeast mixture to the well. Using a bread and butter knife, mix until just combined, then use your hands to bring the dough together in the bowl.

Brush a clean bowl lightly with oil. Turn the dough onto a lightly floured surface and knead for 10 minutes or until smooth and elastic.

Place dough in the prepared bowl, turning to coat in oil. Cover with glad wrap and set aside in a warm, draught-free place to rise for 30 minutes or until dough doubles in size.

Thursday, November 11, 2010

my creative space: new faces

We have funny weather today, light misty rain, but still warm. Lucy and I did our morning post/coffee run after dropping Bella at school, and have come back and bunkered down for the morning. I have loads of new supplies to sort out, and am aiming to finish off some more matryoshka dolls made from  my vintage sheet collection.

Hope your are having a good week. For more creative inspiration, head over to Kirsty's.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010


I don't know about you, but there always seem to be an abundance of hungry mouths to feed after school in our house. I find the easiest thing to feed my kids and their friends after school is a platter of fruit and veges with rice crackers or hummus. It fills them up, but doesn't ruin their appetite for dinner.


400g tin of chick peas, drained and rinsed well
juice of 2 lemons
1-2 cloves garlic, crushed
2-3 Tbsp of tahini (I tend to be quite heavy handed with the Tahini as I love it)
1 Tbsp olive oil
a couple of tablespoons of water to thin out

Blend all ingredients together until smooth, add salt and pepper to taste, and thin out with a little water if necessary. Serve with toasted pita bread, rice crackers or vege sticks. Store in an airtight container in fridge.

Tuesday, November 09, 2010


By far, my favourite thing about November has to be peonies! I wish they flowered all year long, but then again, maybe I wouldn't love them so much if they weren't so special...

I am having a quiet catch up day today. I am still tired from all the recent late nights and market filled weekends. It is nice to have a bit of thinking time... My kitchen table is full to overflowing with fabrics ready to be cut and sewn into items for the next few markets - but for now, I am catching up on orders, emails, and a bit of blog reading!

Friday, November 05, 2010

the low down

So if you want to find me this weekend, this is where I will be:

St Philip's Christmas Market
Friday 5th November
St Philip's Anglican Church
92 St Heliers Bay Road, Saint Heliers

Saturday 6th November
Michael Park School, Ellerslie

Devonport Craft Market
Sunday 7th November
Devonport Community House
32 Clarence St, Devonport

Along with a stack of shiny new crayon rolls and sketchbooks for the kids, and some gorgeous new oilcloth purses (including some lovely marimekko oilcloth!).

Have a great weekend!

Thursday, November 04, 2010

my creative space: chocolate hedgehogs...

I have 3 markets on this weekend, so another busy one for me. The house has felt a little like a sweat shop this week!

Lucy and I met up with my Mum and nephew this morning at the park. The weather has been just glorious this week. Long may it last!

I also managed to get some more bookmarks and magnets made for the weekend as I was very low on these, and we made some delicious chocolate hedgehog slice (as my kids call it) from this recipe on Melissa's blog. Yum.

For more creative spaces, head over to Kirsty's.

Tuesday, November 02, 2010

craft2.0 wrap up

Well I had a great weekend in Wellington at Craft2.0. The lovely Sarah, from Songbird Designs and I went together, and after the exhausting one day trip to Christchurch for A Craft Affair in July, we decided to be a little smarter and have a more leisurly trip this time around!

We travelled down on Friday morning, which meant we got to set up on Friday afternoon with no stress. It was lovely being able to take our time and wonder around TheNewDowse without too many frantic bodies!

Saturday went in a blur. It was madness from 10am when the doors opened, until 3pm when they shut.  Sarah's fabulous Mum came to help out on Saturday, so I managed to sneak away before closing to make a few lovey purchases. The market was so well curated, and there were so many beautiful items from very talented people which made it hard to choose!

We headed home Saturday night and I unpacked and repacked my market stuff for Kraftbomb the next day..., another very busy day, so come Sunday night I was very ready for bed!

This weekend is set to be another busy one for me, with 3 markets, so I am very busy this week trying to replenish stock!! I managed to do a bit of quick ordering on Sunday night and already have some of the supplies I need... like a new order of gorgeous oilcloth!

Better get on with it!

Monday, November 01, 2010

a bit of housekeeping

Well we are in to November already, and I am completely in Christmas mode, so I thought I would share the NZ Post mailing dates info with you.

There is also a link on my sidebar if you need it!