
Tuesday, November 02, 2010

craft2.0 wrap up

Well I had a great weekend in Wellington at Craft2.0. The lovely Sarah, from Songbird Designs and I went together, and after the exhausting one day trip to Christchurch for A Craft Affair in July, we decided to be a little smarter and have a more leisurly trip this time around!

We travelled down on Friday morning, which meant we got to set up on Friday afternoon with no stress. It was lovely being able to take our time and wonder around TheNewDowse without too many frantic bodies!

Saturday went in a blur. It was madness from 10am when the doors opened, until 3pm when they shut.  Sarah's fabulous Mum came to help out on Saturday, so I managed to sneak away before closing to make a few lovey purchases. The market was so well curated, and there were so many beautiful items from very talented people which made it hard to choose!

We headed home Saturday night and I unpacked and repacked my market stuff for Kraftbomb the next day..., another very busy day, so come Sunday night I was very ready for bed!

This weekend is set to be another busy one for me, with 3 markets, so I am very busy this week trying to replenish stock!! I managed to do a bit of quick ordering on Sunday night and already have some of the supplies I need... like a new order of gorgeous oilcloth!

Better get on with it!


  1. Wow - you sound really busy - beautiful products - glad Craft 2 was a good one. Will try and get along no one soon. Hope you get to have a rest sometime too. all the best form across the water...

  2. it sounds fantastic - and your stall looks really great x
