
Thursday, November 04, 2010

my creative space: chocolate hedgehogs...

I have 3 markets on this weekend, so another busy one for me. The house has felt a little like a sweat shop this week!

Lucy and I met up with my Mum and nephew this morning at the park. The weather has been just glorious this week. Long may it last!

I also managed to get some more bookmarks and magnets made for the weekend as I was very low on these, and we made some delicious chocolate hedgehog slice (as my kids call it) from this recipe on Melissa's blog. Yum.

For more creative spaces, head over to Kirsty's.


  1. I don't know how you do it!
    Baking and the park with 3 markets this weekend!
    Hope they go well, and your're not tooo exhausted by sunday!x

  2. Ditto what Jenny says. I'm in awe! See you on Sat and Sun.

  3. Oh, I think I need to go and make some of that slice right now...

  4. are those round things magnets you made? they are adorable!

  5. Yes, they are little fridge magnets - Thanks!
