
Wednesday, November 10, 2010


I don't know about you, but there always seem to be an abundance of hungry mouths to feed after school in our house. I find the easiest thing to feed my kids and their friends after school is a platter of fruit and veges with rice crackers or hummus. It fills them up, but doesn't ruin their appetite for dinner.


400g tin of chick peas, drained and rinsed well
juice of 2 lemons
1-2 cloves garlic, crushed
2-3 Tbsp of tahini (I tend to be quite heavy handed with the Tahini as I love it)
1 Tbsp olive oil
a couple of tablespoons of water to thin out

Blend all ingredients together until smooth, add salt and pepper to taste, and thin out with a little water if necessary. Serve with toasted pita bread, rice crackers or vege sticks. Store in an airtight container in fridge.


  1. mmm...this looks like such a good snack.

  2. I make fresh hummus at least twice a week. My girl will happily gobble up that platter.

    Our favourite thing to do on a Saturday is go to the local farmers market, get fresh fruit and vege (that we don't grow ourselves of course), a fresh Sour Dough loaf and have a platter for lunch. Nom nom!

  3. Sounds delicious Cat! Try sticking a tin of beetroot in it too. Makes wonderful pink, slightly sweet hommous.

  4. Your food photos always make me want to rush off and cook ...

  5. Really need to make some of this good stuff!
