
Thursday, September 09, 2010

my creative space: spring bias tape

The weather has definitely changed. It is so much warmer - although I think this happens every year, we get lulled into a false sense of warmth and then get hit by another cold snap!

Today has rained and rained, but it has been warm, almost humid. My thoughts are with those of you in Christchurch, I just hope you have some of the warmth, and not the rain. Keep safe xx

Having just finished a commissioned Echino quilt, I've had bias tape on my mind. I made my own bias tape to bind the quilt and found it such a therapeutic process that I decided to make some for the shop.

I have so many lovely fabrics that are just crying out to be made into trim, including my vintage linen, so watch this space for more to come.

For more creative space goodness, pop over to Kirsty's.


  1. Beautiful fabric for a trim. Must keep and eye on your shop when buying supplies for my next project!

  2. You must have a lot of patience to make that- it looks lovely. Sadly, it is raining in chch too :-(

  3. Fantastic, I have been wanting some beautiful trim, will be keeping an eye out. Also love your bookmarks in your last post. Gorgeous!!

  4. Beautiful.
    Making bias tape is certainly fun. I have a fancy bias tape maker - but I don't use it - just fold and iron. There is a quietness in the process.

  5. What a great idea! Love those little bookmarks too... :)

  6. Gorgeous fabric Cat!
    I've never made bias binding before - what a great idea to put some in the shop!!

  7. Oh I love that trim! It's gorgeous fabric.

  8. What gorgeous fabric! I'm thinking bias tape at the moment too as I'm yet to decide on fabric to bind the quilt I'm making at the moment. Thanks for the inspiration!
