
Saturday, September 04, 2010

market preparations

It has been a busy week. Lately, I have been busy trying to stock pile for the upcoming market season.  I seem to have over committed myself again this year with markets leading up to Christmas... and thought I was pretty organised (as I had been making excess stock along the way) but Kraftbomb last Sunday just blew all my plans out of the water, it was so busy, and I sold so much that I have been busily trying to get stock ready for tomorrow's Devonport Craft Market, let alone all the others I have coming up!!

This week I focused on bookmarks and keyrings, and have finally managed to make some more of the little mini key rings too! These are super cute, and make me feel good as I get to use up all my beautiful little scraps of Japanese linen tape and webbing.


  1. i know how you feel! my market stock is WAY low thanks to some wholesale order i got this last week. its going to be a long be ready for Devonport tomorrow! hopefully the weather is nice! it looks like its going to be a busy holiday season! :) these all look fantastic by the way.

  2. It's all looking gorgeous. See you tomorrow!
