
Wednesday, September 01, 2010

spring time

Yay for Springtime. Auckland certainly turned on the weather for us today, this first day of Spring. We were lucky enough to have the most glorious warm sunny day. The afternoon was spent at the beach, and we even managed to finally clean the car after school! 

I was very industrious last night and finally did a long overdue tidy up in my shop. It has finally been loaded with some new oilcloth purses, crayon rolls etc.


  1. That magnolia (I'm pretty sure it's a magnolia...isn't it?!) is glorious. So is the feeling of sand between your toes! Ah summer, it's so close now! Glad you enjoyed the magnificent weather.

  2. I so love magnolias and I wish our first day of spring was as 'spring like' as yours. Melbourne turned on a very grey wet day indeed.

  3. I love springtime :-) I've just noticed this past week that I've been waking up to the birds dawn chorus and it's daylight on the trip to work and back again. Hurray!

  4. beautiful photo's Cat - yay spring
