
Friday, September 10, 2010

felt... like helping out

Feel like helping out after the Earthquake in Christchurch?

My lovely friend Sarah McLeod of Songbird Designs, has teamed up with another crafter to create Feltaid, an online shop as a fundraising scheme to help rebuild Christchurch. It's still in it's early stages, but people will be able to donate and/or purchase handmade lovelies for sale on Felt. I have donated a couple of items, so go have a peep, and buy something lovely :-)

You can check out their blog or their facebook page for more information. 

How gorgeous is this Spring weather. So lovely to be without jackets. Our house is full of little jars or freesias as the girls find more and more around the garden outskirts!


  1. Great idea! I can't felt but i can buy!

  2. Lovely picture - and thanks for the link to the Feltaid, will add some stuff next week :-)
