
Thursday, May 13, 2010

Elsie Marley's kids clothes week challenge - Day 2, 3 and 4!

Manic week here so not a lot of time for sewing, or blogging! But I have managed to get a few simple skirts stitched up in the evenings so as not to completely let the side down :-)

I found this bright pink tartan wool at the op shop a while ago, and it is perfect for little girls skirts with stockings underneath for winter. Lucy tried it on for me this morning, but regretfully declined a photo - so you will have to put up with it sans model !

I have just this evening finished the waistband on the denim/duck trim skirt - another for Lucy, and a navy blue corduroy skirt for Bella (but it is too dark for photos... tomorrow I promise).

Tomorrow I will finish off the waistbands on these pj's for 2 of my sisters boys... she is supposed to measure their waists and send me measurements, but she hasn't to date -so I can blame her for their unfinished state, but isn't the flannel cute :-)

And, I am also going to attempt to repurpose this old, pink, French Connection sweater of mine into a cardigan for Bells.. I have already bravely cut it open down the middle (but that is as far as I have gone!). I was thinking of finishing the edges with a navy blue polka-dot binding... watch this space.

To see what others are up to on this challenge, here to the flickr group here.


  1. They all look fantastic Cat. Have a look here:
    She has just repurposed one of her cardys for her daughter.

  2. Love your sewing creations Cat. I really love the woollen skirt you made, great idea for winter. I hope your week gets better:)

  3. What a busy girl you have been , they all look great !

  4. Great sewing, so diverse & so much variety, love Posie

  5. Lots of sewing goodness going on here. I love that wool skirt! Looking forward to seeing how your cardigan goes.

  6. love the fabric for those pj's. well done with all that sewing!

  7. Hi, you have some gorgeous projects on the go there, the tartan you found for that skirt is adorable.. I think that binding will look perfect on your cardi-to-be!
    :) Flick
