
Monday, May 10, 2010

Elsie Marley's kids clothes week challenge - Day 1

I have been a little lazy with the kids clothes lately, and when I saw this challenge it seemed exactly the kick in the pants that I needed! So, starting today I aim to complete a garment a day for the rest of the week. Once complete the participants will be publishing their photos here, I can't wait to see what everyone else is up to. I haven't aimed too high, but will be happy if I get a few simple pieces completed.

Here is my first garment (although not technically clothing). I got the pattern for this cute little art smock from One Yard Wonders. It was nice and easy to make and quick too (which you have to love!). Please excuse my wee models saggy baggy nappy!


  1. Cat it's fantastic! I only managed to get as far as tracing patterns and cutting fabric out!

  2. Wow this is beautiful. I love the choice of fabric, so colourful. I might have to make one for my little munchkins! lou

  3. That is GORGEOUS! I love it! And so practical too!
    Love from

  4. I'm going to have to add this one to the To Do list! It's lovely.
