
Saturday, May 15, 2010


I am going to a Playcentre fundraiser tonight, a quiz night, and our table has opted to do a Bollywood theme... groannnnn! I am not good with dress ups....

Yesterday a couple of us got together to sort out costumes. I managed to find an old sheer gold curtain, and some shimmery orange satin from the op shop. The others got some bright pink/green floral fabric  and matching organza from Ikes and we found some great trims in spotlight to contrast.

We sewed up some quick long skirts out of the lengths of fabric, then will use the organza (or in my case gold curtain) as sari's.

Last night I sat and hand stitched the lush turquiose sequined trim down the length of my curtain.

The girls had fun this morning trying everything on and clipping the gold chains in their hair :-)

... Now I just have to psych myself up for it :-)


  1. haha oh so cute! If I had known I could have sent you over a couple of saris - my neighbour thought I could use them to sew something - no idea what though!

  2. Yes, pays to be organised eh! I am sure you will find a use one day :-)

  3. FUN!!!
    sounds like a good event, I am not big on dressups, but a Bollywood theme sounds like so much fun.

  4. I like event, fun night out and fundraiser rolled into one! I think I will have to pass this onto our Playcentre fundraiser team. We are hoping to get our centre renovated this year! *fingers crossed*

    Do you think you'll be brave enough to post photos of the event :)

  5. You are going to look fantastic in a Sari Cat. Just have a big glass of wine before you go! Love all the colours. Hope it's light enough for you to get some shots of the stall tonight. I'd love to see you girls all dressed up!

  6. They are such wonderful colours!
    I hope it goes well - you'll have a great time!

  7. Looks like the girls are having fun dressing up at least! xx
