
Friday, May 21, 2010

and the winner is...

Thanks for all your amazing comments on my blog giveaway, it has been fun reading them all! I had fun working through and collating all the entries (some of you had multiple entries) and have drawn the winner today using a random number generator.

So without further ado, the winner is... Bellgirl. Congratulations! I will contact you via email for your postal address - hope you enjoy your prize :-) 

Another rainy day today, in fact it hasn't stopped raining for 24 hours. Thick, heavy, wet, pouring rain!
Lucy and I made a special trip to buy new gumboots, rain coats and umbrella's this morning as we got completely soaked yesterday afternoon picking Bella up. Funny how you think you have heaps of time and then the winter weather just hits!


  1. Fweeee! Thank you so much Cat, I'm very excited! It's been lovely to discover your blog through Giveaway Day, to find your great reading lists and tutorials, and to see the lovely sewing you're doing. And now I'll have some of my own! Yay!

  2. Hey there - Where did you get the girl's umbrellas? I need to get some new ones too. I'm out west.

    PS. I'm a new follower and loving reading your blog : )

  3. Lesley I actually got these at the Warehouse! They were about $9, but are easy to put up and down and cover the girls well.

  4. Congrats Bellgirl!
    The weather is awful - we're freezing!
