
Thursday, May 20, 2010

Kittens and Cowboys

Wow! Thank you, thank you, thank you. I can't believe how many lovely comments I received for my wee giveaway, you are all very, very kind! It is always lovely to think that someone likes what you make :-)

Just a little reminder, today is the last day to enter my giveaway, just make sure you post the comment on my giveaway post (link here). I will draw this tomorrow night just to make sure everyone has a far chance - seeing we are almost a day ahead of some of you...

Now, on a completely unrelated topic, Lucy and I spent the day around at my sisters today. Her kittens are getting big and strong and fat! They are so gorgeous, my girls are constantly on at me about borrowing them - I couldn't begin to imagine what our pair of lazy old cats would think about that! But try explaining that to kids ;-)

Lucy and Alex spent most of the morning racing around in cowboy hats, in between mauling the kittens that is (if you look closely behind Alex in this photo you will see a ball of orange fluff under the couch! The kittens favourite hiding place as the little kids arms aren't quite long enough!

Just as we went to leave to collect Bella from school the rain started. What is it with rain and school pick up?!  It is now almost 10pm and the rain still hasn't stopped, winter is really starting to feel here... brrrrr.  

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