
Saturday, May 22, 2010

weekend fun

I forfeited my 'child free day' today and instead took Isabella to Disney on Ice.

Wow - it was amazing! I have to say I was skeptical..., everyone kept telling me how great it was and how much we'd love it, but I thought it might be a little too Disney for me and wasn't convinced. I was wrong. I am a total convert and will be taking both girls next year. It was 2 hours long, but really fast moving. The songs were really catchy too, and Bella and I were still singing/humming them tonight :-)

Tomorrow we have a birthday party to go to. One of Bella's friends is turning 7. I always like the idea of making thoughtful gifts where we can, and the girls and I are suckers for books, so tend to add these to our gifts.

We found this cute box of kids recipe cards at our local bookshop. These are aimed at 7+ so they look ideal. I also had a piece of bright floral cotton drill left over from the art smock I made a couple of weeks ago, so I whipped up a little chef's apron this afternoon to go with it. Great fabric for hiding messy stains, both food and paint :-)

Hopefully the birthday girl will enjoy her gift as much as we have enjoyed putting it together!


  1. It sounds like the two of you had a special time together enjoying the show.

    Have fun at the party tomorrow. The apron and recipe cards are a great idea for a 7 year old girl, she will love them. I made my niece and nephews an apron for an Easter gift one year and they still use them all the time, it was one of the best presents I gave to them.

    Enjoy your Sunday. xo

  2. We love Disney on Ice too! I've taken ours to see The Princesses one and Finding Nemo - both excellent and we'll be going again this year too! The little apron is very cute and its the sort of gift we like to hand out to our little friends too. Handmade gifts aalways go down a treat don't they?!Justine xx

  3. What a lovely birthday present! I like presents that encourage activity, like cooking. We've got a party today too, and I've made a sewing kit for the birthday girl.

  4. That birthday present is wonderful!
    And I took My Belle to princess' on ice last year and it was fantastic!
