
Friday, August 28, 2009

Zips away

I have finally got around to setting up my Etsy shop, and already sold my first item within a day of listing, so am pretty stoked with that!

I have only a few things added at the moment, but will add more once I finish a few more items. In the meantime, pop on over and have a look. I have just listed these two little zip purses.

Sunshine beckons, so I am off!

Enjoy your Friday xx

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Flowers and Chocolate

I have been burning the midnight oil a bit lately, so today I am feeling decidedly dreary... tired, runny nose, sore throat, all the good stuff (not!).

Time to break out the secret stash of DARK dark dark, chocolate caramel.... hmmmm - coffee and dark chocolate, is there anything better?!

We have had huge electrical storms over the last couple of nights, and lovely warm, windy, sunny days - great for drying the washing! Lucy and I found this sweet freshias scattered on the path this morning...

Enjoy your day xx

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

A mouse famliy album...

I just found this gorgeous book in one of my storage boxes.

It was one of my absolute favourite books as a kid (along with Richard Scarry and Dr Suess books!). I used to spend hours looking through the illustrations and always finding something new. I have attached a few of my childhood favourite pages.

Monday, August 24, 2009


We are back from a lovely weekend away. Gorgeous sunny days, lots of bike riding, walking, sand castle building... so nice to get out of the city and enjoy a slower pace for a few days! No photos to post..., I hunted for my camera the whole time I was away, couldn't find it anywhere - as we drove into the driveway at home I found it in the glovebox!

I found some gorgeous vintage bits and bobs whilst away - they are all being washed and dried today, but here is a sneaky peak of some of the vintage aprons, tea clothes and sheets all drying on the line!

Lucy and I found these sweet little flowers this morning. I might use this for my screen printing tonight...

Hope you have a lovely afternoon xx

Thursday, August 20, 2009

A bunting kind of day...

It must be something in the air, I have had so many bunting orders lately, maybe everyone has that 'spring feeling'. Craving to be outdoors, warm evenings, BBQs, fairy lights, colourful bunting...

I am just finishing off the last orders before we head away for a long weekend at the beach, can't wait to get out of Auckland and get some fresh coastal sea air!

I have a stack of books to take away with me to browse through... hopefully I might get a bit of time to myself to indulge!

Enjoy your weekend xx

Wednesday, August 19, 2009


Lucy and I have had a lovely slow morning pottering in the garden and baking biscuits. I am just loving this mild early Spring weather we are having!

We made these divine chocolate chip cookies. I think I put in a little too much butter as they spread quite a bit, but they were still scrumptious and there are so many that they will hopefully last for our weekend away at the beach.

Chocolate chip biscuits from this recipe:

Chocolate Chip Cookies

Mix and set aside:
2 1/4 cups all-purpose flour
1 tsp baking soda
1 tsp salt

Now mix together the wet ingredients:
3/4 cups sugar
3/4 cups brown sugar
1 cup butter, melted and slightly cooled
2 large egg yolks
1 tsp vanilla essence
2 cups chocolate chips (I cut up hunks of dark chocolate as I prefer to choc chips))

Add the dry ingredients to the wet and mix gently with a wooden spoon. Do not over mix!! While there is still some flour showing, add 2 cups of chocolate chips and mix the rest of the way.

Place balls on lined baking tray and bake for about 10 minutes (or until golden) at 190C.

Enjoy the rest of your day xx

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Screen Printing

We had our third screen printing class last night (6 classes in total) and I had my first go at screen printing on to fabric. As you have probably guess, I just love how my birds turned out!

As it was just a test run, there was no fixative in the paint, so these can't be used for anything that needs to be washed... I will have to put my thinking cap on and find a good use for them. I am already leaning towards using them to make some gift cards/tags... if you have any other great ideas just leave me a comment :-)

It is such a satisfying experience printing on to fabric and seeing the final piece with the weave texture showing through...

I can't wait until next Monday! I already have a hundred and one designs swirling around in my head... but it is far too muddled in there, so I need to get myself organised and put them on paper where they belong!

On another note, hop over to Rabbit and the Duck where Shannon is running a cool anniversary giveaway... you could be lucky enough to win!

Enjoy the rest of your Tuesday xx

Thursday, August 13, 2009


Just a quick post today - I wanted to show you the pics of my bag. I finished it off last night, hand stitching the handles on whilst watching tv... a lovely relaxing way to sew!

I used the handles from here, the lining is an old pillow case, and the outside fabric some curtain fabric samples.

This book arrived in the post today. I am off to make a cup of tea and have a leisurely browse through it.

xx C

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Home day...

Lucy and I had no plans today (apart from dropping Bella to school and picking her up), no where to be, no rushing - just a day of house stuff. Lovely!

So far we have done a bit of cooking. Can you beat the smell of a delicious, hearty casserole slowly simmering away on a cold, grey, windy day?

A bit of washing. Look at all those lovely, vintage sheets and pillowcases blowing in the wind. I found in a thrift store a while back. They are just waiting to be reloved :-) Isabella has already told me she just has to have a pair of pj pants made from the purple floral sheet!

A bit of sewing. Lucy had a very short sleep, so I didn't manage to finish my bag. I will hopefully complete this tonight, and post pics tomorrow.

And a bit of art... not only did this pen end up on Lucy's face, but I also found it on the couch, deck, floor, bed and Bella's pillow.... all in the instant that it took me to run downstairs to the laundry to grab a load of washing. Aren't kids quick when they know they should not be doing something?!

xx C

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

More Thrifty Finds

As I was on my way to the fish shop this morning I walked past the Hospice shop and thought I would just have a quick wee look... (I couldn't just walk past without a little squiz!). Anyway, I found this sad, stained, torn little bag today and immediately thought it would be great to rip apart and reuse.

The outer fabric was stained, torn and drawn on, plus it was glued to a manky old foam, so I couldn't save that, but I managed to salvage the trim, handles, catch and even some fabric from the lining.

I also made a cute little sundress today out of a vintage pillowcase (also found in the Hospice shop). So quick and eay to make, and it was nice to have a little time to sew today and end up with a finished product! I didn't quite have the 'right' ribbon for the ties, but these will do for the sake of the photo - tomorrow I will hunt down the perfect ribbon!

Stay tuned... xx C

Monday, August 10, 2009

Monday again...?

Where did the weekend go, I can't believe it is Monday already... and a very cold, windy Monday at that!

Little Miss Lucy had her first morning at Creche today... she had a ball. A couple of tears when she realised I was missing, but apparently she got over it quickly and got straight back in to the sandpit where she spent the morning... great stuff! I did realise, however, that all her clothes etc have Bella's name on them, so I am going to get some name tags for Lucy, and make her a little bag of her own to take to Creche! (Another thing to add to the 'To Do List'!)

It meant I got to run a few errands without a toddler in tow... felt very strange and quiet, but I am sure I will find it luxurious soon enough.

Not much to show today, I managed to tick off a few little projects over the weekend though:

1. A new (much needed) ironing board cover from some pretty summery fabric...
2. Some lunch bags for Bella - I made her a bunch of different shapes, patterns and sizes to pop in her dried fruit, crackers, sandwhiches, biscuits etc., she was stoked, but too quick at taking them for me to get any photos... I will try and snap some later when she gets home from school.

I spotted these lovely stamps at the post office on Friday... might just have to grab a pack for myself - I LOVE stamps!

Better fly, I have a backpack to make!

xx C

Friday, August 07, 2009

Sunny Friday

I have just ordered this book. I can't wait to get it - will hopefully inspire me to do a bit more sewing. I have not done much crafting lately... busy just being a Mum... maybe I will find a bit of time to sneak away and finish some of my projects this weekend!!
However, I have managed to list a few new bits and pieces in my shop this week - cloth journals, marble bags, lavender bags, kids sketchbooks... A task I have been meaning to tick of my to do list for quite a while!

I found a couple of cute wee things in a thrift store the other day... a pillowcase, and duvet cover... I already have plans for both - so watch this space!

Little one awake and calling for me, so better dash - off to enjoy some of this gorgeous weather!

xx C

Monday, August 03, 2009

Monday morning

Well, I didn't end up at the Devonport Craft Market on Sunday after all. Lucy now has Chicken pox, so has not let me out of her sight all week... Looks like it was a great day at the markets though, can't wait til September!

Lucy and I spent the morning at the beach again this morning... she loves rolling around in the sand and collecting shells. She had no pockets on her clothes this morning though, so my jean pockets were filled with shells...

I have some new things to load in my Felt Shop today, here is a sneaky peak...

Handbound Fabric Journals and Marble bags.
xx C