
Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Home day...

Lucy and I had no plans today (apart from dropping Bella to school and picking her up), no where to be, no rushing - just a day of house stuff. Lovely!

So far we have done a bit of cooking. Can you beat the smell of a delicious, hearty casserole slowly simmering away on a cold, grey, windy day?

A bit of washing. Look at all those lovely, vintage sheets and pillowcases blowing in the wind. I found in a thrift store a while back. They are just waiting to be reloved :-) Isabella has already told me she just has to have a pair of pj pants made from the purple floral sheet!

A bit of sewing. Lucy had a very short sleep, so I didn't manage to finish my bag. I will hopefully complete this tonight, and post pics tomorrow.

And a bit of art... not only did this pen end up on Lucy's face, but I also found it on the couch, deck, floor, bed and Bella's pillow.... all in the instant that it took me to run downstairs to the laundry to grab a load of washing. Aren't kids quick when they know they should not be doing something?!

xx C

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