
Monday, August 10, 2009

Monday again...?

Where did the weekend go, I can't believe it is Monday already... and a very cold, windy Monday at that!

Little Miss Lucy had her first morning at Creche today... she had a ball. A couple of tears when she realised I was missing, but apparently she got over it quickly and got straight back in to the sandpit where she spent the morning... great stuff! I did realise, however, that all her clothes etc have Bella's name on them, so I am going to get some name tags for Lucy, and make her a little bag of her own to take to Creche! (Another thing to add to the 'To Do List'!)

It meant I got to run a few errands without a toddler in tow... felt very strange and quiet, but I am sure I will find it luxurious soon enough.

Not much to show today, I managed to tick off a few little projects over the weekend though:

1. A new (much needed) ironing board cover from some pretty summery fabric...
2. Some lunch bags for Bella - I made her a bunch of different shapes, patterns and sizes to pop in her dried fruit, crackers, sandwhiches, biscuits etc., she was stoked, but too quick at taking them for me to get any photos... I will try and snap some later when she gets home from school.

I spotted these lovely stamps at the post office on Friday... might just have to grab a pack for myself - I LOVE stamps!

Better fly, I have a backpack to make!

xx C

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