
Tuesday, June 14, 2011

vintage love

I found these beautiful books at a second hand dealers the other day.... they actually had a couple more, but I tried to resist the temptation to buy them all, and just walked away with two! Love is a Special Way of Feeling, and Childhood is a Time of Innocence, both by Joan Walsh Anglund. I love the illustrations in these books. My first intention was to frame some of my favourite pages, but I can't bear to cut into the books - so instead will share some of the pages here!


  1. oh wow you have just transported me back to my childhood, we had that top book- would love to know what happened to it- brings back happy memories reading it :)

  2. So gorgeous! I am jealous and really wish I had found them. Adorable!

  3. The illustrations are so precious. We have one called "What's the colour of Love" (or something similar) - so cute! xxx
