
Thursday, June 09, 2011

foggy day

Winter is definitely settling in here. We have been pretty lucky with the warm weather lasting right through May, but all of a sudden, this week feels COLD!

Lucy and I have been in baking mode today... an oven warmed kitchen seems the best place to be on cold days! Our efforts this morning included a Carrot & Walnut slice, and Pumpkin soup.

Hope you are all somewhere warm today!


  1. Its freezing here too!!

    Looks so yum -
    I don't like pumpkin, but want to try pumpkin soup sometime - as i think i would like it!!xx

  2. I love to bake when it's getting cold, if only to keep warm in the kitchen :-)

  3. Yum, I love pumpkin soup. And would love the recipe for carrot & walnut slice. Nice to see you back Cat. Vic xxx

  4. yes, baking is always attractiove when it's ciold, I think it comforts and reminds of childhood. Your slice looks divine x
