
Tuesday, June 21, 2011

winter days

It is the shortest day here today, but absolutely stunning. The sun is shining brightly and life feels good!

I have the house to myself this morning, for the first time in days. I have had sick kids at home for what seems like forever! So I am enjoying some quiet time catching up on work, and trying to get myself organised for Craft2.0 next week.

Drinking hot coffee... listening to Vol. 2-Uncovered and working in the sun... heaven.

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Awataha Marae

Today we were lucky enough to take a trip to the Awataha Marae for Playcentre. For years I have driven down the motorway, past the huge Totem Pole, and wondered the significance.... so it was interesting to finally visit the Marae and learn about the history behind the pole.

The Nuu Chah Nulth poleby Tim Paul andby the People of British Columbia


Tuesday, June 14, 2011

vintage love

I found these beautiful books at a second hand dealers the other day.... they actually had a couple more, but I tried to resist the temptation to buy them all, and just walked away with two! Love is a Special Way of Feeling, and Childhood is a Time of Innocence, both by Joan Walsh Anglund. I love the illustrations in these books. My first intention was to frame some of my favourite pages, but I can't bear to cut into the books - so instead will share some of the pages here!

Thursday, June 09, 2011

foggy day

Winter is definitely settling in here. We have been pretty lucky with the warm weather lasting right through May, but all of a sudden, this week feels COLD!

Lucy and I have been in baking mode today... an oven warmed kitchen seems the best place to be on cold days! Our efforts this morning included a Carrot & Walnut slice, and Pumpkin soup.

Hope you are all somewhere warm today!

Monday, June 06, 2011

a bit of a break!

Wow! I can't believe how many months have passed since I last updated this blog... I have to apologise... SORRY! I have no real reason, apart from the fact that it has been a very busy year...

I have to say, it is quite a stressful thing, returning to a blog you have otherwise abandoned, so hopefully I can start here, and continue.. hopefully!

Anyway, to kick things off, I am having a wee sale over on my facebook page. The sale items will be up for around 48 hours, and it is basically first in, first served. I am discontinuing my fabric covered sketchbooks, so have listed the last of my stock in the sale items. Enjoy!