
Saturday, August 14, 2010

saturday baking - chocolate brownie

It has not stopped raining for about 24 hours here in Auckland, so we have had a rather slow morning. This afternoon we are off to visit some friends that have come up from New Plymouth for the weekend, so baked a sticky rich chocolate brownie to take with us. This recipe is really simple and quick to prepare, so have attached it here for you to enjoy (although I am sure you all have a brownie recipe up your sleeve!).

Chocolate Brownie

100g cocoa (1 cup)
200g melted butter
400g caster sugar (2 cups)
4 eggs (at room temp)
1 tsp vanilla
90g self-raising flour (or just under 3/4 cup)
1 tsp baking power
1 cup chocolate buttons – chopped (you could also add nuts and raisins if you like)

Sift cocoa into a large mixing bowl. Add melted butter, sugar, eggs and vanilla. Mix to a smooth paste. Sift in flour and baking powder, and then add chopped chocolate. Mix well.

Pour mixture into a 20 cm x 30 cm Swiss-roll tin. Bake in a preheated oven at 150C for 40 minutes.

Don’t be alarmed at the amount of sugar in this recipe! This is the correct amount and not a misprint!!!! 


  1. Hola!

    That looks delicious

    very good!

    saludos desde EspaƱa

  2. They look good I think I will try them for my daughters 9th birthday.
