
Thursday, August 12, 2010

my creative space: brooch kits

My week has pretty much consisted of sitting with Lucy curled up on my lap (she is so miserable and just wants to be held poor mite), but she has spent a good chunk of this morning asleep, so after the school run, breakfast dishes, washing, quick pick up etc I had a little time to finally make a start on putting together some more felt brooch kits!

I feel like I have had my right arm cut off this week. I have so many ideas swirling around in my head, and a long, long 'to do' list, but no time to achieve any of it. At least I have made a small start today!

Head over to Kirsty's to see what everyone else is up to.


  1. Cute blog, and these look like fun little packs. I hope Lucy feels better soon.

  2. I'm sure they'll be huge hits for birthday gifts Cat! Love the colours.

  3. they already look cute! Can't wait to see them finished :) … and I know what you mean about too many idea … and yet no time .. I end up writing them all down in a note book with a few sketches otherwise I can’t sleep!!!

  4. what a great idea! they look so cute.
    Hope your little feels better soon.

  5. I was going to say too, write those ideas down! (something I need to do myself)
    Love these kits, fab idea and they look great!

  6. I hope everyone is feeling better soon.
    I love those kits. Your design skills really come in to play with the presentation of them.

  7. At least you've gotten something done now . I do hope the little one gets better quickly !
