
Wednesday, July 21, 2010

winter sewing

Today is grey and cold and wet. Yesterday was brilliant. Warm and sunny, and as I was hanging the washing out I was thinking how it is only about 5-6 weeks until Spring. Spring! And how really, our winters are very mild and bearable.

But... I woke up this morning to NO HOT WATER! What a miserable start to the day. Thankfully it is back on now. We came in from playcentre, I put Lucy down for a nap and had the longest, hottest shower to try and warm up. I am now shut in my studio with the heater on high whilst finishing off some dolls. It is so hard hand sewing when your fingers are numb!!

On another note... Do you like polka-dots? It has never occured to me that there are people in the world that don't like polka-dots. I love polkadots and have quite a vast range of polka-dot fabrics and paper ephemera. I was sewing something the other day, and asked Isabella what she thought...

Isabella: It's ok, but I don't like the spotty pattern...

Me: The polka-dots? How can you not like polka-dots?

Isabella: I just don't.

Me: How about this one with pink polka-dots?

Isabella: No.

Me: How about this blue spotty one...??

Isabella: No. I don't like spots.

Me: At all???

Isabella: No, not at all. Can you please make me one with this butterfly/flowery/sparkly....

Lesson to self: Not everyone in the world likes polka-dots!


  1. Mister Bell often quotes from "Coupling": I'm undecided about spots. Personally I like them, particularly if they're red.

    In thumbnail size this image looked like the Olympic rings!

  2. I didn't think I liked polka dots until I realised how much I'd surrounded myself with them - see my second to last blog and you'll see what I mean - and I didn't even include my red and white polka dot coin purse I bought from you!!

  3. I told amelie i didn't really like the colour purple the other day and then the next day I went to her pre school and they had a poster up with each child's favourite colour...what do you think amelie had put for hers..yep purple!
    PS: love your new matryoshka dolls!

  4. I'm with you. I don't understand a dislike of polka dots. Thankfully there is hope. Kids often change their minds! Hope you managed to warm up today.
