
Sunday, July 18, 2010

winter holidays

Today is the last day of the winter holidays and I can't believe they are over already. The last two weeks seem to have flown by, and I am not looking forward to the rush tomorrow morning! We have been so lucky with the weather, only a couple of rainy days, and lots and lots of brilliant sunshine.

The girls and I have done loads of bike riding, visits to the park and zoo, and generally kept busy outside which has been great... Oh, and spent lazy mornings in bed watching movies on their ipods!!

Today I've had a few quiet hours to myself, and had time to tidy my overflowing studio. I managed to sort through my vintage linens, and also found this little face that was painted months ago, but never used... which gave me an idea...

And a new range is born... small, soft matryoshka inspired cushion/ dolls using lovely vintage linens from my stash.

I will have a few of these for sale at Kraftbomb next Sunday, and in my online shop next week.