
Sunday, April 18, 2010


I haven't managed to get much 'real' work done whilst the school holidays have been on, nor much crafting! So I literally pushed the girls out the door this morning when their dad came to collect them so I could get stuck in to my 'to do' list!

First was a quick trip to the local Sunday markets for a fresh sour dough loaf, some veges and of course a muffin and coffee.

I then chopped all my vege and got a lovely casserole in the oven for dinner - striped the beds, sorted the washing, and hung some more out, vacuumed, made the beds with fresh linen, finally cut, ironed and sorted the fabric for the Sew, Mama, Sew! fabric swap that I am doing, and now I am finally seated at my desk ready to get on to the 'real' work that I have been putting off! I have a big job that is due tomorrow morning that I have been procrastinating over, so better bite the bullet and get started!

 Wish I could sleep my day away like Miss Lazybones here! Hope your Sunday is a bit more relaxing :-)


  1. hehe nope - housework here too

    Ive stripped the beds but haven't remade them yet. Vacuuming is done as are the lawns. I really wish I could be a cat somedays!

  2. Alas, my Sunday hasn't been! Huge "Autumn clean" of the house, plus have been up since 5 a.m. with Mr Two. I think I'm ready for a nap, but need to to some baking for hubby's lunches this weekend! Ah well. Maybe I need a sip of your coffee! lol

  3. Hope you manage to get your big job done Cat. Sounds like a very busy day already!

  4. What a yummy sounding morning! And can't cats just sleep anywhere...oh to have that gift just for a day. Hope all your work went well :)

  5. Good luck with the job, love the pussycat...
