
Wednesday, April 14, 2010

lucky me!

I was lucky enough to win this lovely blog giveaway from Stacey over at Polka Dot Daze a while ago and the peggy apron arrived in the post today!

It is lovely and just the thing for making the task of hanging out the washing fun - actually, I have to admit I quite like hanging out the washing, I have my little routine with the way I hang things...

How do you hang your washing out? Do you use only blue pegs? Do you make sure all your underwear is on the inside? Do you hang all your tea towels together? Do you hang your pants from the leg bottoms, or the waist?...


  1. haha yes I have my little washing ways. First I use all the pink pegs, then the purple, and so on - I just can't mix colours on the same item of clothing! I wash tea towels seperately so they always hang together :P and pants hang from the waist - tshirts also from the waist and shirts from the collar and all the clothes have to be inside out!

    Beautiful apron btw

  2. I've just chanced upon your blog and it's lovely. I'll be back for sure xox

  3. Glad you finally got it, and like it :)
    I hate hanging the washing out, and will only use a clothes horse, because I hate the direct sun on my clothes. Just towels and sheets on the line. Strange aye? Don't get me into the actual washing part, as that borders on OCD.

  4. OMG, that is too cute ~ love it! xx

  5. A very cute apron!! That was a great prize. As for washing... white pegs, undies on inside, pants from waist and tea towels in a row on the outside. Totally agree with PDD it is a little OCD isn't it?

  6. hehee, love hearing people washing twitches! we all have them....I like all the sheets and towels on the outside line, undie son the inside and hate it when the man of the house hangs out washing as I really detest peg maks and uneven seams drying like that - teehee

  7. Haha, I am with you, I have to hang my own washing as I hate ironing - well actually I love ironing fabric, but not clothes?!

  8. that is so very cute!
    I love hanging the towels together & pants from the waist even though my mum says i should hang them from the legs :)
    bad bit about hanging out clothes..they then need to be folded..

  9. Hi cat I've come over from our FQ swap group. Nice to meet you! Love the cute apron you have won for your pegs. My husband and I take turns in putting out the washing and we both like 'pink' pegs. I have some of those old wooden pegs that I always use for the towels and I like to have matching pegs for each piece of clothing. I sometime get my 12 year old to put out the washing and have to bite my tongue when she doesn't do it the way I like!

  10. Re: washing - totally have a routine. I hang my pants from the cuffs, my logic is that the waist will dry quicker. Undies def. on the inside and making sure all sleeves are pulled out completely. And yes, my hubby is a great help, but cannot bear to watch him putting out the washing, but I sharn't complain, at least he does it!!! PS Love your stuff!
