
Saturday, October 03, 2009

what a week!

I know, I know - I have been particularly slack in blog-land lately... but I have a couple of very VERY good reasons:

a.) The girls and I have just spent the week away at the beach, along with torrential rain, storms and tsunami warnings (including sitting on top of a hill with around 1,000 others for a couple of hours), but that is a whole other story!

b.) My camera was inadvertently dropped on the floor (whilst it was on with lens out...) and now has a very LARGE crack in the lens and will not close..., or turn on... which means no photos!

So I am busily sewing up a stack of crayon rolls, bunting and lavender bags for the Devonport Craft Market tomorrow, along with a stack of other bits and bobs, and have no means of taking any lovely shiny photos for you. Sorry!

All this means is that you will have to head down to the Markets yourself - extended hours of 10am - 3pm, so you have no excuse!

But I couldn't possibly leave a post with no photos - so here are a couple from Kraftbomb last Sunday - I will have most of these items again, plus a couple of others.

See you there : )

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