
Monday, October 05, 2009

Rainy days...

It is supposed to be spring... it is wet and grey and cold... and it is school holidays... ughhh.

Now I have to say, I have 2 girls so I am comfortable with pink, I know what I am doing with skirts, and dolls, and arts & crafts.... I am used to everything being about babies and barbies and princesses....

The problem is I also have a sister who has 3 boys - which means 3 nephews! One of which is turning 4 tomorrow. Now Sam loves balls... and I mean he LOVES balls. I think he has every sort of ball you could possibly find, and everything to do with balls... which means presents are kind of tricky.

We've racked our brains thinking about a birthday gift for Sam and had just about given up, when today's rain prompted an idea. Isabella and I decided we would make Sam a library bag for his birthday. A ball library bag. Now, would you believe I am all out of ball fabric?! Yes, yes, I know I could have been imaginative and done some applique or something like that, but I just didn't have time! So we had a little trip to Spotlight this morning to get some ball fabric... and would you believe after scouring the entire store, we could not find any ball fabrics (and I mean NONE)... so - next best thing for Sam - rockets. Luckily I have some rockets fabric (purchased especially with Sam in mind).

After what seemed like hours in Spotlight, we came home, popped Lucy into bed and went about making Sams library bag (and of course Bells had to have one too since she was helping!). The finished products are interesting to say the least : ) Bells chose her fabrics and patches (see what I mean about girls!).

For Sams I used an old pair of jeans and some of the rocket fabric, and a waterproof inner (cos you know what boys are like!).

For a first attempt I think we did ok. My little 5 year old assistant was stoked with her bag, which prompted a late afternoon visit to the library.

C xx

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