
Monday, September 28, 2009

Markets markets

I had a great day at Kraftbomb on Sunday. The first hour and a half was a blur, and the second was pleasantly steady. I was virtually out of cards and upcycled envelopes by the end of the day. Also down to my last couple of journals and crayon rolls... now to top of my supply in time for the Devonport Craft Market this coming Sunday.

I am currently away at the beach with the girls for the week... back Friday, so I will be a busy bee Friday night and Saturday! I had actually made extra to cover myself for both markets but my sales were fantastic on Sunday, so how can I complain!

See you Sunday in Devonport - Summer time means we are there for an extra hour, 10 - 3pm.

C xx

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Brooch loveeee

Have a look at these gorgeous brooches by Depeapa - there are so many to choose from - you'll just have to have a look for yourself here!

Oooo, and the illustrations are divine - I have a thing for tea cups!

Kraftbomb this Sunday

Kraftbomb is on this Sunday. Come along and get a head start on your Christmas shopping!

11am-2pm - this Sunday, 27th September, 2009

Grey Lynn Community Centre, Main Hall - 510 Richmond Road, Grey Lynn, Auckland

Free entry! Lots of crafty stalls, food, rad people and playground!

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Skirt Sale

What a rainy old day... what happened to the gorgeous Spring weather of last week? School holidays start next week, so lets hope the sun comes back out for a few weeks!

Just to cheer you up and get you in the mood for sun, I have a handful of summer skirts on sale this week. Head over to my shop and have a look.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Summer veges

I finally got around to giving my 'vege garden' (or rather collection of overgrown pots and planter boxes!) a bit of an overhaul and feel so good now that it is done.

DH kindly built me a lovely big, raised bed out of recycled timber lying around the section. It looked so black and grimy and grotty, but has come up a treat with a bit of a scrub and some sun.

My garden now consists of: tomatoes, basil, corriander, parsley, thyme, rosemary, mint, oregano, strawberries, cucumber, courgettes, beans, peas, radishes, lettuce, rocket, baby spinach and potatoes - roll on summer and fresh garden greens!

Sunday, September 20, 2009

2 for 1 - Kids Owie Bags!

After a cold pack for your little ones over the summer months? Think of all those falls, bumps and bruises you will be nursing with the warm weather and outside play!

I currently have a 2 for 1 deal on it my felt shop - 2 Kids Owie Bags for the price of 1.

* Stock is limited stock, so this is purely on a first in, first serve basis for choice on fabrics.

Sunday sewing

Isabella and I spent a couple of hours sewing this afternoon whilst Lucy slept. We had a lot of fun... even if Bella decided halfway through that she would paint some pictures on my mac in photoshop instead!

Bells did well walking away with 3 new skirts and some pj pants.

This is the photo of the baby before she was put in to bed - old scowly face : )

Ooo, I can hear tears..., better dash! xx

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

To the Zoo...

We had a lovely day at the Zoo this morning. The stunning, hot sunny Spring weather we are having mad it just glorious to be out and about.

Having two young children + a FOTZ pass means I have been to the Auckland Zoo too many times to remember, that I know all the animals off by heart, I have no need for a map, and can tell you exactly how many animals we will get to see, when the best time is to see them, and when the kids will melt down by. But, a sucker for punishment, I still go back for more!

The little ones were rather taken by this gorgeous Peacock with all his feathers on display this morning. He was doing a funny little sideways jig which kept them enthralled for ages!

This Gibbon, Iwani, also put on a real display for us. We could hear him calling from the other side of the Zoo, and by the time we got to the enclosure, he was still going. Lucy loved watching him with his throat sac puffed out whilst he called. She was trying to copy him for the next half hour!

No Cheetahs to be found today, but the kids made the most of the Cheetah display. They loved the beads and and brightly coloured information circles! No Burma to be seen today either. Hopefully she is not too depressed after losing her friend Kashin.

xx C

Monday, September 14, 2009

Halloween Bunting

Just a quick post as I have heaps on my to do list today. The sun is shining and I really want to get out into the garden for a bit too.

I had a bit of fun this morning sewing up some Halloween bunting. This has been listed in my shops on Etsy and Felt.

Sunday, September 13, 2009

vintage textiles

The Auckland Vintage Textile Fair is on today, and I was lucky enough to spend an hour there this morning drooling over the beautiful fabrics and notions... I could have come home with bags upon bags of things, but was very careful to limit myself to just a few things... I did however manage to empty my wallet in the process!

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Kowhai = Yellow

Over the past few days we have been making the most of the beautiful Spring weather. It has been satisfying tidying up the section, planting summer veges and herbs etc.

When we moved in to our house 4 years ago, the garden was hideously overgrown. The backyard was completely smothered in bamboo - we could see almost no grass, and the front with weeds and ginger plant... We couldn't even walk up the path to the house, until we made a clearing through the camellia bush!

We have slowly worked away, clearing bamboo, planting new plants, trying to rejuvenate old fruit trees buried in the undergrowth. One of the trees that has stood the test of time is this beautiful kowhai tree on our front lawn. When we first moved in it was Autumn, and it just looked like an old rotton tree... we almost chopped it down! We had no idea that come Springtime it could be so divine... I can't believe that a tree so thin, and decrepit could flower so magnificently!

Monday, September 07, 2009

Market Day

The Devonport Craft Market was on again yesterday, although I think everyone was busy enjoying the glorious sunshine, and their Dads, as it was a very quiet day...

However, in saying that, I still had lots of lovely visitors, and sold a lot of my badges, magnets, gift cards and envelopes.

I managed to get myself set up and organised before 10am yesterday (no mean feat as I also had to sort the girls out in the morning before I left so they didn't climb all over their Dad too early on Fathers Day!), so actually got a couple of snaps of my table.

Last screen printing class tonight. Can't wait!

C xx

Friday, September 04, 2009

Spring Friday

Well Spring has finally sprung! The weather is just gorgeous, there is a very cold wind today, but the sunshine is glorious.

I have not had much time for making this week... but have managed to work on a few little zip purses which I have just listed in my etsy shop. The ones I listed last week disappeared within a day or two, so thought I had better make some more quick smart!

The Devonport Craft Market is on again this Sunday. It should be a great day, the biggest and best yet! Come along and say hi, I hear there will be a coffee and cake fundraising stall too, and what a great way to get the kids out of Dad's hair for an hour on Fathers Day...