
Tuesday, September 15, 2009

To the Zoo...

We had a lovely day at the Zoo this morning. The stunning, hot sunny Spring weather we are having mad it just glorious to be out and about.

Having two young children + a FOTZ pass means I have been to the Auckland Zoo too many times to remember, that I know all the animals off by heart, I have no need for a map, and can tell you exactly how many animals we will get to see, when the best time is to see them, and when the kids will melt down by. But, a sucker for punishment, I still go back for more!

The little ones were rather taken by this gorgeous Peacock with all his feathers on display this morning. He was doing a funny little sideways jig which kept them enthralled for ages!

This Gibbon, Iwani, also put on a real display for us. We could hear him calling from the other side of the Zoo, and by the time we got to the enclosure, he was still going. Lucy loved watching him with his throat sac puffed out whilst he called. She was trying to copy him for the next half hour!

No Cheetahs to be found today, but the kids made the most of the Cheetah display. They loved the beads and and brightly coloured information circles! No Burma to be seen today either. Hopefully she is not too depressed after losing her friend Kashin.

xx C

1 comment:

  1. Great pics! Head down to Cornwall Park if you get the chance. Full of gorgeous lambs and cherry blossom. Heaven!
