
Thursday, September 10, 2009

Kowhai = Yellow

Over the past few days we have been making the most of the beautiful Spring weather. It has been satisfying tidying up the section, planting summer veges and herbs etc.

When we moved in to our house 4 years ago, the garden was hideously overgrown. The backyard was completely smothered in bamboo - we could see almost no grass, and the front with weeds and ginger plant... We couldn't even walk up the path to the house, until we made a clearing through the camellia bush!

We have slowly worked away, clearing bamboo, planting new plants, trying to rejuvenate old fruit trees buried in the undergrowth. One of the trees that has stood the test of time is this beautiful kowhai tree on our front lawn. When we first moved in it was Autumn, and it just looked like an old rotton tree... we almost chopped it down! We had no idea that come Springtime it could be so divine... I can't believe that a tree so thin, and decrepit could flower so magnificently!

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