
Wednesday, November 09, 2011

Peony Love

Have I ever told you how much I love November.... The one month of the year that we get Peonies!! Which, in case you didn't know, are my favourite ever flowers!


  1. OH my those are so elegantly irresistible!

    I don't think I have seen the red ones like that before;)

  2. Aren't they gorgeous? I am lucky enough to be married to the son of a peony grower, so we managed to have them picked and stored in their industrial chiller for our January wedding. They made it through the day- just! They make the most gorgeous wedding bouquets!

  3. They are beautiful! I usually see the pretty pale pink ones but these deep coloured ones are stunning. Lovely post!

  4. So beautiful and Oh so pretty!! Who doesn't like peonies! This colour is especially stunning.

    :) Hazel
