
Wednesday, November 30, 2011

almost there

So today is the last day of November! I am always amazed when December rolls around so quickly, but also quite relieved to think the year is almost over and the holidays almost upon us.

I have another two markets this week, and have been busy preparing stock for them. Yesterday I made a pile of kids aprons, with a little Christmas cookie cutter included in each pack. These would be lovely teamed up with a little notebook for recording favourite recipes, or there are some great kids cookbooks out there.

Today's task is finishing of some new oilcloth make up purses, pencil cases and make your own kits... and the list goes on!

Hope you are having a great week, and that the sun is out, wherever you are.

This week you can find me here:

Gladstone School Christmas Market
Thursday 1st December, 2011
5 - 9pm
8 Seaview Terrace
Mt Albert

Devonport Craft Market
Sunday 4th December, 2011
10am - 3pm
The Devonport Community House
32 Clarence Street

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

and the winner is...

Thanks for all your lovely ideas in response to my french inspired giveaway. I drew the winner over the weekend and posted on my facebook page, but forgot to update here. Sorry!

Michelle West was the winner, and I sent out her package yesterday. I was going to do a wee Christmas giveaway next, but all the Christmas bits sold out too quickly, so will have to think of another little pack for next week.

Another busy week in our household, and 2 markets this weekend (with eftpos!!):

Forrest Hill School Christmas Market
Friday 18th November, 2011
4.30 - 8pm
50 Forrest Hill Road
Forrest Hill

Devonport Craft Market
Sunday 20th November, 2011
10am - 3pm
The Devonport Community House
32 Clarence Street

Hope you are having a good week so far.


Wednesday, November 09, 2011

Peony Love

Have I ever told you how much I love November.... The one month of the year that we get Peonies!! Which, in case you didn't know, are my favourite ever flowers!

Friday, November 04, 2011

market time

I can't believe we are into that Christmas season already. I have a stack of markets coming up, and have been a busy bee this week trying to get myself prepared for two this weekend.

Michael Park School Fair
Saturday 5th November, 2011
9.30am - 3.30pm
Michael Park School
55 Amy Street

Devonport Craft Market
Sunday 6th November, 2011
10am - 3pm
The Devonport Community House
32 Clarence Street

They are both fabulous markets, but as Michael Park is only once a year, I am really looking forward to it. Michael Park is a Rudolf Steiner school and it has the most beautiful grounds. The fair includes, a delicious range of fresh food stalls, exciting and magical games for the children, many quality stalls and unique hand-made crafts. If you only make it to one school fair a year, make sure it is this one!

ps. I will have eftpos available at both these markets too!!

Wednesday, November 02, 2011

french inspired

I love France... it is definitely up there in my top 10 places to live. I was lucky enough to spend a year there when I was 21, in a beautiful old chateau in Cognac. It was such a magical time, and I often think about my daily trips to the boulangerie for fresh pain au chocolat and baguettes, and the local markets to buy produce...

So, I was thinking that it is about time I did a wee giveaway... with a little French twist! The winner will receive this little pack, which includes: a 'paris' coin purse, 10m of airmail divine twine, 1m spool of airmail washi tape, and 10 sweet airmail love stickers.

This giveaway is open to anyone, anywhere... all you have to do is 'like' my facebook page (if you don't already) and leave me a comment with your favourite book, children's book or film (I always love new ideas!). I will draw the winner next Friday, 11th November, 2011.

ps: make sure you tell your friends too, as when I reach 400 likes on facebook I will do another giveaway over there!