
Wednesday, September 21, 2011

liquid gold

I am still slowly making my way through the bags of lemons I was given last week. Yesterday afternoon I made a coconut slice (with lemon syrup). As I needed to squeeze some lemon for the syrup, I thought I may as well juice all the lemons I had on the bench (about 6). Incredibly I ended up with almost 3 cups of lemon juice!! So I decided to also make a small batch of Lemon cordial (from here).

It looked just like liquid gold cooling on the window sill in the evening sun...


  1. It all looks yummy! I love lemon flavoured things - such a lovely spring/summer zing to it :-)

  2. OMG have i told you about my lemon fetish. Looks amazing

  3. Sarah I knew you were a caramel girl, but wouldn't have put that hand in hard with lemon :)
