
Friday, September 30, 2011


I am a huge procrastinator! I always have been, and unfortunately feel that I always will be...

I have a hundred and one things to do today, but in between all those things I have been trying to snatch a few minutes here and there to work on a costume for tonight! It isn't like I haven't had weeks to work on it. It is just that I have put it off, and put it off, and then this morning realised I hadn't even started!!

So I am procrastinating just a little more and showing you some photos of my progress... or lack of... The theme is spots and stripes (but I decided to throw in a little All Black fever for good measure).

Hope you all have a great weekend in store. x


Friday, September 23, 2011

story time

We are a little book mad in our house... Both my girls (and me) love reading, but we have been through a bit of a funny stage lately with my 7 year old. I was finding it really hard to source any decent reading material for Isabella. Books that she could read herself, but that were still interesting (she is definitely not a 'fairy' book kind of kid!).

It seems though, that we have come out the other side of that dilemma. She is currently obsessed with Roald Dahl. We have been slowly making our way through his children's books, at the moment we're reading Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. I had forgotten what a magical book it is... As we read I  feel just like a kid again, I can still vividly remember reading it as a child...

We also love Quentin Blake's illustrations. Both Quentin Blake, and Roald Dahl have quite fun, interactive websites if you fancy a look.. I love the 'paint-a-parrot' game on Quentin Blakes site! You can also download some free bookplates from here.

If you have any recommendations for great books for 7+ leave me a comment, I am compiling a wee list!!

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

liquid gold

I am still slowly making my way through the bags of lemons I was given last week. Yesterday afternoon I made a coconut slice (with lemon syrup). As I needed to squeeze some lemon for the syrup, I thought I may as well juice all the lemons I had on the bench (about 6). Incredibly I ended up with almost 3 cups of lemon juice!! So I decided to also make a small batch of Lemon cordial (from here).

It looked just like liquid gold cooling on the window sill in the evening sun...

Tuesday, September 20, 2011


I'll be at Kraftbomb again this Sunday.

25th September, 2011, 11am-2pm,

Grey Lynn Community Centre Main Hall 
510 Richmond Road, Grey Lynn, Auckland

But if you can't get along in person, you can buy online - and remember, I am currently popping a wee roll of washi tape in with any purchase over $10 in my felt shop (until the end of September)!

Monday, September 19, 2011

an island holiday

It is that time of the year... Winter is over, but Summer isn't quite here. Everyone seems to be going on holiday, Fiji, Hawaii... Gold Coast. So we decided a little Island getaway was in order... We normally go to Kawau in the Summer, but we definitely had just as much fun without the sun!

It was a lovely weekend away, lots of bush walking, kayaking, reading, rugby watching (go Ireland!) and enjoying good company.

The girls are already talking about 'next year'...


Wednesday, September 14, 2011

warm bread

My sister put me on to a new bread recipe. It is one of Annabel Langbein's, and has mashed potato in it.... Yes. I hear you. "What a hassle" you're thinking... but NO, it is soooo worth it, even more so if you have left over mash in the fridge just asking to be transformed into a new meal!
This recipe is so quick and easy, great to make the night before and let rise overnight to bake for morning tea/lunch the next day.


Crusty flat bread dough

1 1/2 cups warm (not hot) water
1 1/2 tsp dry yeast granules
1 packed cup cooked mashed potato
1/4 cup extra virgin olive oil (I use The Village Press which is divine)
4 1/2 cups high-grade flour, plus extra for kneading
2 tsp salt


1-2 tbsp extra virgin olive oil
2 tbsp fresh rosemary leaves
1/2 tsp sea salt

*This recipe makes 2 large loaves.

Place warm water in a large mixing bowl. Sprinkle yeast over the water and allow to stand for 2 minutes. Mix in the mashed potato and the 1/4 cup of olive oil. Stir in the flour and salt and mix until the dough just starts to come away from the sides of the bowl.  
Turn the dough on to a lightly floured board and using lightly oiled hands knead about 30 times. (*Note it is a quite a wet dough so don't be tempted to add more flour. I was totally frustrated with the 'wetness', and inability to really knead the dough, but so glad I persevered). Place the dough into a lightly oiled bowl. Cover with muslin/tea towel or gladwrap and leave to rise in a warm place for 3-4 hours until it has doubled in bulk. You can also leave it in the fridge, covered to rise slowly over night.

When you're ready to cook your bread, place a baking stone on the centre shelf of the oven and preheat to 220C. Turn the risen dough on to a lightly floured board, divide in half and shape each half into a ball. Roughly flatten one ball on to a tray lined with baking paper, pressing the dough out an oval shape about 25 x 20cm.  Use your fingertips to press dimples in to the top of the loaf, then drizzle with the olive oil and sprinkle with the rosemary and sea salt.

Slide the baking paper with the dough on it off the tray and on to the preheated baking stone. Bake for about 25 minutes until golden.  When cooked the bread will sound hollow when you tap it. Remove from the oven and allow to cool on the baking stone for a few minutes and then transfer to a rack to cool. 

Repeat with the other ball of dough. If you want to save the second ball of dough to use later, place it in a lightly oiled bowl, cover with a clean cloth and place in the fridge for up to 48 hours. It also freezes well. Just thaw fully before pressing out and baking.
This bread is divine spread with another firm favourite - Anathoth Farmstyle Pickle!


Tuesday, September 13, 2011


It is cold and blustery here today. Lots of wind and rain, with sprinkles of sunshine here and there... but all in all it has been an inside day!

We were given three huge bags full of large, juicy lemons, so Lucy and I have been busy making this delicious lemon slice. It never fails to deliver. Tomorrow afternoon I think we might try Heleen's Lemonade cordial recipe - it looks divine!

I hope your week is going well.

Thursday, September 01, 2011

Liberty Love

It is not a secret that I have a wee bit of a tendency to hoard... I have stacks of beautiful fabrics and papers, some that I can't even bring myself to use, as they are just too 'precious'! I am also fiercely protective of my scraps....

Today, to celebrate the first day of Spring (albeit a drizzly one!) I finally gave in, raided my Liberty scraps and created some new fridge magnets with some beautiful cotton lawn...  I have popped a few packs in my felt shop too. Enjoy!