
Saturday, February 26, 2011

the weeks end

This week has felt a little surreal.  I (like most of New Zealand I imagine), feel as though I have been moving in slow motion.  All thought and conversation has centred around Christchurch and the Earthquake, and we have been glued to the television in disbelief...

We have a few family birthdays this week and it feels strange to think about celebrating when there is clearly so much suffering going on. But I guess, if anything, this weeks horror makes you aware how important it is to enjoy every moment!

To show my support, I will be donating the proceeds from all sales in my Felt shop this week to the 2011 Red Cross Earthquake Appeal.


  1. I know exactly what you mean.
    Though you must celebrate with gusto :-)

  2. It's hard to post anything "cheery" isn't it, hope the shop donations went well

  3. Hi Cat,
    I'm from Chch and Sarah from Kiwimummyblogs sent me a package for my daughter Daisy - to help set up her new bedroom (she is too terrified to go into our bedroom - where she used to sleep - as thats where she was sleeping when the quake hit). It included some of your bunting. I just wanted to say thanks heaps and its going to look so great in her new room!! We are currently in Blenheim but my husband has gone back to Chch to work and he plans to set the room up - bunting and all - for when we come back, as a surprise for Daisy. It's a wee ray of sunshine in all this mess. Thanks again for the lovely bunting.
