
Thursday, February 10, 2011

the day the cow sneezed

Whilst Lucy and I were at the library the other day, I was lucky enough to spot this book on the edge of one of the shelves.

The colours and composition of the cover automatically grabbed my attention, then when I saw that it was 'The Day the Cow Sneezed' by James Flora (1957) I quickly grabbed it and popped it in our pile. I remember loving this book as a child, and now as an adult the illustrations are even more alluring.

James Flora died in 1998, but, thankfully there is still a lot of interest in his art. You can find more Jim Flora here, or etsy shop here, blog here, facebook here!


  1. Blimey! how have i never known about this book? I love and collect children's books. My boys would love it. Off to order a copy now! Thanks for this.

  2. What a find! It's so nice to 'rediscover' books from your childhood with your own kids :)

  3. It is awesome, although my little one got bored halfway through (too young and too tired) and the big one is a little too literal now! But I enjoyed reading it again :-)

  4. It looks gorgeous! I love the illustrations.

  5. What an amazing book, I'm going to see if my library has this one too. I love those illustrations:)
