
Sunday, January 02, 2011

slow time

Happy New Year! I hope you all had a lovely Christmas, and that you are enjoying some rest & relaxation, and all the holidays have to offer.

I promised myself I would have at least a week with no work, or sewing or making of any kind (apart from a baking a birthday cake for Lucy and some muffins etc - that doesn't really count now does it)... just slow time. Somehow I thought a 1000 piece jigsaw puzzle (that has been sitting in it's wrapper in the cupboard for about 5 years) might be a good idea. You know, just pop a piece in here and there on passing. But a. I underestimated how big it was, and b. I underestimated my Type A personality... so it has been bugging me immensely having this puzzle taking up the whole kitchen table... and I have spent far more time that I would like to admit putting it together!


  1. I was *this* close to buying a puzzle today thinking it would be good holiday distraction. I love the progress pics. Make sure you show us when you are finished x

  2. ha ha ha that is so funny! It would bug me just as much. What amazes me is that we constantly think these enterprises will be stress free and time liberating. Old dogs and new tricks come to mind! The type B people in our lives just stand and shake their heads with a knowing smile!

  3. I ahve that puzzle and it was fun to achieve, would love to get others in the series. So rewarding when you finally finish it and that there are no pieces missing!

  4. Oh goodness! Are you getting any sleep? he he
