
Thursday, December 09, 2010

two to go...

I love markets, I love the people watching (some people have the most amazing personal style!), chatting to market friends and meeting loads of interesting characters, but I have to say that I am excited that I am now on the countdown with only two to go! It has been a busy few months, and I am so tired. Thankfully I am prepared, so I have been able to enjoy finishing off a few last minute items without the usual panic. Today I even managed to whip up some New Zealand Christmas inspired key rings from some gorgeous pohutukawa fabric scraps I had.

This Saturday I will be at the second Auckland Art & Craft Fair. First time for me, so I am looking forward to see how it goes. If you are in Auckland, pop along and say hi, have a look around and support New Zealand handmade by buying some gorgeous Christmas gifts.

Saturday 11th December, 2010
11am - 4pm
Aotea Centre, THE EDGE
Auckland City

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