
Thursday, October 28, 2010

my creative space: packing

My creative space today is quite frantic... I have what feels like a million things to do. I have just finished off a stack of purses, I have vouchers to cut, stock to pack, float to get, post office run,  and a course to attend this afternoon... Oh and the school run, playdates etc etc!

Roll on bed time!

I am looking forward to getting out to the airport in the morning and enjoying a coffee in the knowledge there is nothing more to do before Craft2.0 !

For more creative spaces, head over to Kirsty's.


  1. fabulous fabric choices! Your purses look sweet all lined up

  2. Busy girl! Hope it all goes smoothly for you Cat! It deserves to after all your hard work!!

  3. Great effort! Must be very satisfying seeing them all packaged up and ready to go : )

  4. It all looks gorgeous!
    Have a wonderful time.

  5. They look great, hope you have a successful time.

  6. Oh I know that feeling, it's so good when you can no longer do any more isn't it. Good luck with the market, I'm sure it'll be a great success for you!
