
Thursday, October 21, 2010

my creative space: market preparation

I seem to have over committed myself again this year... I have a stack of markets coming up and was rather smug in thinking I was organised, but lots of recent sales including some very large orders has left me quietly wondering if I maybe underestimated my stock levels!

This Saturday I will be at a new market in Parnell, it is in the Jubilee Building, running along side the Parnell Farmers Market. If you are in the area, pop in and say hi.

Parnell Farmers and Craft Market
Saturday 23rd October, 8am-12pm
Jubilee Building, 545 Parnell Rd, Parnell

It is a wild windy day today so I managed to spend an hour this morning finishing off some purses and cutting out yards of fabric for some new kids sketchbooks and crayon rolls. Lucy happily played with the barbies and play dough and dress ups and she is now going through her big sisters treasures (shhhh). Ohh, and did I mention she decided to paint her face when I wasn't looking... with nail polish! We might try and brave the park after lunch if the rain stays away.

Hope you are having a productive Thursday. For more creative spaces, head over to Kirsty's.


  1. good luck, cat! I don't know how you manage to do it all! see you next weekend :)

  2. It all looks gorgeous Cat, good luck at the new market :)

  3. Wow, you have been busy. It's a crazy time of year isn't - production has to go to overdrive, but I it's good for you to have the demand!

  4. Wow - you are v busy!!
    Hope it goes well on saturday!x

  5. Markets are great!! Have fun - I am sure you will do well - it all looks very lovely!

  6. Good luck for Saturday - will try and pop over!

  7. Hmmmm... didn't pay much attention during economics, but lower supply = Higher demand, right? HAHA, keep them in anticipation until you can catch up! :-D
