
Tuesday, September 14, 2010

shop update

I managed to get a huge amount of sewing done over the weekend, I have been neglecting it for a while, and had a lot of patterns cut and ready to go, so it was quite a sense of accomplishment to finally get some of it done!

Now I have the task of loading it all to the shop! I have managed to do a small shop update this morning, including some more of my bias tape.



  1. I didn't know you made bias tape!!! That is gorgeous! I know what I'll be buying next time I have some spare pennies. Fancy doing a swap for a fairy skirt or two?

  2. Haha - I do, if there is a particular fabric I have that you want made just let me know - more than happy to swap for flower skirts!!

  3. OOOO bias tape! You shop is gorgeous. I love having a nose around, such a source of crafting inspiration! Ok my mission, to tidy my work space and then get making. I think the strawberry bias is to die for! x

  4. love that 3rd fabric! good on you, what a great idea :)
