
Thursday, July 01, 2010

my creative space: gift tags

I can't believe we are into July - the months seem to be sliding past this year. Tomorrow is the last day of term and amazingly Bella has managed to get through two full school terms with no sick days!

Today, Lucy and I spent the morning running errands, then came home and made a large pot of vegetable soup at lunchtime so that it would be steaming and thick for dinner.

I also managed to get a bunch of new gift tags finished off. These are quite time consuming and I tend to do them in stages as I get bored easily! But it feels great to have them ready for the next couple of markets. These are a market only product (along with a few of my other items) as by the time you pay the listing fees, success fees, paypal fees etc associated with online shops, it is just not worth selling them online. But, if you really want to get your hands on some, you can always email me :-)

Better dash, it is freezing tonight and my hands are already numb, am off to enjoy a steaming bowl of vegetable soup, some fresh crunchy ciabatta and a large glass of red!


  1. Those tags are super cute!! Enjoy your lovely wintery dinner - sounds YUM :)

  2. Your always so productive!
    I love your little gift tags.
