
Wednesday, June 23, 2010

winter days

Don't you love how the simplest things can brighten up a winters day. Our Camellia bush is overflowing with pink goodness at the moment. We have little bowls of them all around the house as the girls are obsessed with collecting the fallen ones and bringing them inside.

We also have an abundance of Tamarillo's... thinking about becoming a pudding for tonight...


  1. Beautiful Camelias. You are always inspiring me with your flower choices (I went out and bought a white hydrangea bush after one of your summer posts!). May have to plant myself a camelia bush now. You can keep the tamarillos though. yuck! (still have British taste buds when it comes to those I think!)

  2. I love camellias - they are so beautiful.

    Just to let you know - we're looking after the summer here in the northern 'sphere for you ')

  3. Haha - I have a friend in Ireland who just sent me a message telling me she had sunburn on sunburn... ! Hope your summer is a good one!

  4. My Grandma had a couple of camellia trees, and when I was little I would pick them up and lay them along side the edges of the path. It looked very pretty!

  5. Rose I bet it was gorgeous, the girls are loving them!

  6. Cat you'll love this ... last year I put a bowl with a beautiful white camellia flower floating in it in the bathroom, only to find Isabella, the feline memeber of the family, decided it was the best bowl to drink water from. She will still now only drink her water there and in summer I'm sure visitors think we're a bit odd when they wash their hands ...... x

  7. Would love to try the tamarillo fruit! :P Though probably not around the states!
